Senin, 11 April 2011

Cross country

Last week I found some great routes between my work and Villaviciosa de Odón. There is a gravel path that goes from the Castle in Villa all the way to an underpass that goes under the M-50, meandering through some fields and finally arriving at my work. Today I decided to push the envelope a little and see if I could make a big loop, passing through Villa on the way. It was much harder than I thought - I had to cross a couple of streams (one with stepping stones, one without), to clamber up knee deep grass and thistle covered embankments and to make great sweeping detours because of all the random fences in the way. It wasn't the most effective run I have done in terms of fitness but it was very exhilarating to be "lost" in the middle of the countryside in my lunch hour. I saw countless rabbits, hares, grouses (grice?) some kestrels(?), I saw a man letting his horse graze on a patch of grass and I even stumbled across some ruins that were so well hidden that there were no tell-tale empty beer cans or packets of fags. I also saw lots of spent cartridges but it's just as well that Monday isn't one of the hunting days... Definitely the sort of run I will be doing after my Ironman, this time without worrying that I am not running hard enough. I realize that I am very lucky to be working somewhere so close to the countryside although I did notice that they seem to be building some new roads around there...

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