Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

What next?

You'd be right in thinking: Hang on, did I miss something? He hasn't actually done the Ironman yet so how can he be talking about what comes next?

Well, I am all too aware of the anticlimax and, after having spent a year thinking about almost nothing else, it is going to be a big one. So I need to have something to fix my mind on before I cross that line. My goals have a tendency to determine me, rather than the other way round so I'd better chose something less ambitious than the Ironman before some other crazy idea gets in my head.

I'd like to do a winter Marathon again this year - I'm thinking of doing the one on the 6th December in Málaga, close to where my parents live. It'd be nice to be able to have them cheering me on, as they used to all those years ago in my rowing days. I'd like to capitalize on all this aerobic training I've been doing and see if I can break that magical 3 hour barrier.

I'm also thinking of trying Stand-Up Paddling (SUP). When we were in Asturias recently, I saw someone doing it. It looks a bit like a modern version of punting (I was born in Cambridge and studied in Oxford, so I've done more than the average amount of punting in my life). It grew up out of Hawaii, apparently, so that explains why so many Ironman triathletes seem to be taking it up (Eneko Llanos, Craig Alexander, ...). It also looks like a damn good workout for your core muscles. I don't really believe in fate, but when several things all seem to be pointing in the same direction, I start to pay attention. So when I discovered that the Asturian center for SUP surfing is based on the beach nearest where we stay in a hut that I have run past numerous times, I thought that it's time for me to try it out. Next time we go to Asturias, I'll sign up for a course.

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